The leaves are turning brown, there is a nip in the air, and pumpkin spice is officially an acceptable flavor for your coffee. This can mean only one thing, Sasquatch Season is here! Time to bust out your tree knockers and binoculars, and get out there and snag that hard proof Bigfoot is real!
But where to look you ask? The Department of Sasquatch Research here at Tee See Tee has compiled a list of the top 5 best locations to watch a squatch, according to extensive research of documented sightings by our friends at The Bigfoot Mapping Project.
Top 5 Michigan State Parks to spot Bigfoot:
#1. Seney National Wildlife Refuge (
Located in Schoolcraft County in Michigan's Upper Peninsula, Seney is home to the highest number of reported Bigfoot sightings in the state. One especially eerie account comes from a Michigan woman who pulled over along the Seney Stretch with her baby to sleep during a long drive, only to be awaken by a large hairy creature staring into her window at her child.
#2. Delta County Forest Preserver (
Again in the Upper Peninsula, near Escanaba is the Delta County Forest Preserve, home to the second highest accounts of Bigfoot(or Dogman, if we are being honest here) sightings. According to the Bigfoot Field Researchers Organization(, a 17 year old woman was driving through Delta County when she noticed something unusual...
"Its build was huge, like an ape man. She didn’t see any skin other than the dark gray in its face. It looked like a “prehistoric man with an ape face”. She made eye contact with it at 15 feet and saw its eyes glowing a “blood red”.

#3. Alpena State Forest (
Finally, the Mitten(lower peninsula) makes the list! Alpena, home to beautiful shorelines and dense forests, is third on our list of highest concentration of Squatch Sightings! A father and son were bird watching, when something out of the ordinary happened:
"This was a very quiet day with very little breeze; it wasn't so much what I saw, but what I heard. If I was deaf, I could dismiss it as a human trespasser. It was all dark brown, about 7' tall, and running (extremely fast given the original "startle") silently through the ferns, branches, and sparse deadfall. It was not a bear."
#4. Little Presque Isle (
Back up to the UP! LPI, located a few miles outside of exciting Marquette, is in our top 5 places to see Bigfoot, but this natural park is also home to a LOT of UFO sightings, and if you're one of the lucky few, you may even catch a glimpse of Pressie, the local freshwater sea-monster! Little Presque Isle is an untouched piece of heaven that if I were Bigfoot, you better believe I would call home! Many encounters have happened here, including this report from a woman horseback riding in the early 90's:
"All of a sudden, the animal came within about 30 yards from us, stopped and turned to go sideways... running behind some pine trees. HE just disappeared!!! I was quite scared at the time, and real excited, too. It had white hair, looked like a horse standing tall, looking at me, but when it turned sideways, to run, there was no large body behind it. IT looked like an upright animal running."
#5. Saginaw Forest Trailhead (
Go Blue! Washtenaw County, home of the University of Michigan Wolverines, is also home to our final pick for best places to spot a Bigfoot in Michigan! The Saginaw Forest Trailhead is 2.1 mile loop through dense woods that are perfect for a Sasquatch family to settle down in, and eye-witness encounters are abundant, including this report from the Bigfoot Field Researchers Organization, by a young man and his mother:
"The creature was not a bear and closely resembled an ape like human form, covered with dark brown hair, but lighter in the facial area, with broad shoulders. The head seemed to be part of the shoulder area with no neck. The area around the head had longer hair in the back."

So there you have it Squatch-Watchers, these are the best places to spot Bigfoot in Michigan. Depending on who you are, this may be a guide on places to go, or more likely, places to avoid! And if you have spotted something odd in any of our top five locations, or somewhere else, please comment below and tell us all about it!