Ah New Year's Eve....that time we all put far too much pressure on ourselves to celebrate the end of one year, before we put far to much pressure on ourselves to start the next year a better person(more on that later).
Make your 2023 resolution to learn 5 new things every day, starting with these:

1. The Ball Drop happened long before NYE, and it happened for a very different reason!
Long before it was used on New Year's Eve, a ball on top of England's Royal Observatory in Greenwich was dropped at 1 p.m. every day (starting in 1833) to help ship captains coordinate their navigation equipment. Similar balls were set up in coastal areas around the world.

2. The first gathering in Time's Square for NYE was a marketing stunt for a newspaper!
In 1904, New York Times held a party to celebrate the grand opening of their building in NYC(bet you can't guess where!). Over 200,000 people showed up! Safe to say that it was the most successful grand opening of all time!

3. There are a LOT of bottles popped on NYE!
On average, Americans drink over 360 MILLION glasses of sparkling wine on New Years Eve! That is enough to fill over a million pools with bubbly! We suggest Sex by Mawby Vinyards as your bottle to pop this year, it's delish!

4. If that resolution doesn't stick, you are in the majority.
Over 80% of resolutions made by people for New Year's are broken by February. This year, Tee See Tee suggests two resolutions that we know you can do; 1. Go easy on yourself if you break your other resolutions, and 2. Resolve to wear t-shirts that put a smile on your face, like Tee See Tee!

5. There is a ton of confetti to clean up in New York on January 1st.
Over 2000 pounds of confetti is dropped in Time's Square on NYE, but something you may not know is that in 2015, "Wishfetti" became a thing. People can submit their wishes to the wish wall in Time's Square(or online) and those wishes will be printed on a piece of confetti that drops on NYE! How cool is that?
For our 2023 resolution, Tee See Tee wants to be a better company all around. We want to strive to help our community and people in need even more, we want to strive for a better quality product and customer experience, and we want to strive to provide you even more designs that make you smile, because that's what we do!
Happy New Year's Everyone!
Beau and Jenny at Tee See Tee